Monday, July 6, 2009

Making money on the weekend!

We had a garage sale on the weekend, just to clear away some of the clutter in our lives. It was pretty successful and we got rid of almost everything we wanted to sell. It's amazing what people will buy, isn't it?

We started the sale at 7am on Saturday morning. You do hear stories of people queuing up before a garage sale starts to grab a bargain but that didn't happen to us. That was a little bit disappointing - we thought that the professional bargain hunters would be out in force, but not for us. Maybe that was because we only advertised in the local paper, with a small distribution area, rather than the city wide paper.

Still, we had a few people through. The first one turned up about 7:30, looking for tools, which was the only thing we weren't trying to sell! But people started turning up after that, and we got rid of furniture, kitchen white goods, an old dvd player, the washing machine, bed linen, a lamp and other bits and pieces.

We actually sold a lot of stuff to our neighbours across the street. Their son has just moved out of home for the first time so he needed a lot of things. They took the old entertainment unit, an outdoor bar setting, cups, plates, cutlery, and some other old kitchen trays etc. Basically we were just glad to get rid of it all, so almost gave a lot of it away. It's no loss to us and if they can use it they're welcome to it. And we like them, too!

So it was a successful day, and we now have storage space in our garage again! We may even be able to put a car back in there now, which hasn't happened for a few months. There are still a few items that we'll take to Cash Converters and others that we'll donate to Lifeline and then it will all be over and organised. It turned out to be a very good weekend for us. Quite a bit of work, but we needed to do it and didn't have any other plans for the weekend anyway, so it was win/win all around.

Now we can go shopping with all the money we made! (ok ok just kidding on that one!)

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