Monday, January 21, 2008


I only made on new years resolution this year, and that was to stop spending so much money. This year is all going to be about saving. So in the name of saving, I went shopping! Yes, it's that time of the year again - the Lifeline Bookfest.

All up I made two trips to the Bookfest. The first was on the opening day, Saturday the 12th of January. I spent about five hours wandering around the convention center halls. This time I thought ahead and took the car, even if it did mean paying for parking. Last year I caught the train in and so had to carry my single bag of books home again. This time when I had a full bag I could just run downstairs, dump it in the car and then keep shopping.

The second trip was on the final day, Saturday 19th. Half price day, which is even better than the already-bargain prices of the first trip.

They always have a great range of books, particularly in the hardback fiction, which is where I spent most of my time. There, and on the science/politics/technical tables in the high quality section. I also browsed the science fiction and paperback tables, but the condition of most of the books on those tables was a bit offputting - I like my books to be in good condition. Anyway... and finally there's the lucky dip section of unpriced books, which is mostly rubbish but occaisonally there's something worth grabbing.

Over the two trips I spent around $100 and came home with 30 books. Not bad, really, although now I need a new bookcase. Its a shame they weren't selling them, too! And that's how I'm saving money this year - I bought enough reading material here to keep me going for quite a while. I suppose I could always just use the library more, but I do like owning my books. So it was shopping to save money - i love it!

The full list of books, and photos, will be coming soon...

Apart from that, it's been a very quiet week. Why did I have to go back to work?

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